Hello Friends,
Today we celebrate Independence day in the USA. I offer a silent prayer of gratitude for our forefathers who chose to be courageous enough to make a commitment and sacrifice much to create this nation because they desired freedom from tyranny and believed it was their God given right.
I am grateful that today I have the freedom to sit here writing this message in my beautiful private office where I choose to offer services that I believe are helpful to others without having to worry that I will be harmed or condemned for my beliefs and endeavors.
I am grateful that others who chose to do the same before me inspired me to free my mind from a lack mentality, low self-esteem, anxious thoughts and self-limiting beliefs so that I could choose to be courageous enough to make a commitment to move forward and create the life I envision for myself.
Mel’s Two Cents: I invite you to choose to free your mind from fear, anxiety, doubt and self-deprecation, and create the life you imagine for yourself full of peace, joy, abundance and a sense of freedom and fulfillment. As always, it is my pleasure to help you along this journey – stay tuned.
Happy Independence Day!
Until next time.
Contact me for a free introductory consultation at info@melindamaysonet.com today!
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