Hello Friends,
Tomorrow we celebrate Valentine’s Day in the US, and for some folks it can be a sad and lonely day because they are focusing on the romantic partner that they do not have – bummer!
Perk up friends, it’s not a lost cause. Meeting and acquiring an amazing partner is within your control. Yep, it’s actually quite simple; all you have to do is love yourself first and let that be your main focus. When you love and accept yourself, and are happy with who you are, you can attract a great partner to complement your awesomeness.
Mel’s Two Cents: Practice, practice, practice: accepting yourself; respecting yourself; thinking highly of yourself; being patient, kind, compassionate and forgiving with yourself; and laughing at/with yourself. If you need additional encouragement and inspiration listen to Whitney Houston’s “Greatest Love Of All.”
Life is so much more amazing and magical when you love yourself.
Until next time.
Contact me for a free introductory consultation at info@melindamaysonet.com today!
Truth!!! How am I barely finding the comments section tho? 🤣😂😅
We’re in a rush sometimes and miss some of the details! Glad you found the comment section! :)
Hi Mel
Hi Gregory! Thank for signing up for the blog – I hope you enjoy it :)