You are enough and giving thanks

You are enough and giving thanks

Hello Friends,

Sorry I missed you guys last week. My daughter came back home and we were organizing our living space and getting reacquainted.

Now, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us once again and I wanted to share with you what I am thankful for: I am eternally grateful that I know that I am enough, I have enough and I do enough.

That’s right folks. It took me a while and some serious purging of false and outdated beliefs, and a lack mentality, but it was oh so worth it. The fruits of my labor are a healthy sense of self-confidence, increased compassion and forgiveness, peace and joy – regardless of what is happening to me or around me.

So next time some tries to tell me that I am not qualified, don’t fit in or am lacking in something, I can say thank you but no thank you, because as my favorite spiritual teacher of all time Dr. Wayne Dyer used to advise: Be independent of the good opinion of other people. Everyone is entitled to think, believe and live as they choose but it does not mean that I have to agree or accept their choice. I choose to believe and know that I am smart, beautiful and talented, and there are many out there who will appreciate, celebrate and love me just as I am. Please do not give your power away to anyone just because society puts them on a pedestal. I have adopted the philosophy that rejection is God’s protection and redirection. If someone rejects you or belittles you: turn away, close that door and move on to where you will be accepted, appreciated and celebrated.

Mel’s Two Cents: I highly recommend you start making a list of all the things about yourself that you appreciate. You are unique, fabulous and perfect just as you are, as there’s only one you. Celebrate yourself and share your gifts and talents with the world in spite of fears such as failure, lack, rejection, loneliness, inadequacy, embarrassment, or {insert your kryptonite of choice here}.

I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving replete with all your favorite foods and ample napping!

Until next time.



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