Mel's Two Cents Blog

Embracing the blahs

Hello Friends, I'm sure we've all had to contend with the cursed "blahs" at some time in our lives - UGH and YUCKO! blah 1 : silly or pretentious chatter or nonsense; 2 : a feeling of boredom, lethargy, or general dissatisfaction Well friends, I'd love to give you a quick tip or trick to make them scurry away but I don't have one. No, this is one of those experiences that we will go through many times. It can often come upon us during times of change, busyness or when we're overly focused on others and neglecting our own wellbeing. So what's a generally [...]

2019-02-20T17:53:32-05:00 Uncategorized|3 Comments

Happy Valentine’s Day and loving yourself

Hello Friends, Tomorrow we celebrate Valentine's Day in the US, and for some folks it can be a sad and lonely day because they are focusing on the romantic partner that they do not have - bummer! Perk up friends, it's not a lost cause. Meeting and acquiring an amazing partner is within your control. Yep, it's actually quite simple; all you have to do is love yourself first and let that be your main focus. When you love and accept yourself, and are happy with who you are, you can attract a great partner to complement your awesomeness. Mel's Two Cents: Practice, [...]

2019-02-13T17:34:42-05:00 Uncategorized|4 Comments

Celebration as a spiritual practice

Hello Friends, Wikipedia says: "A spiritual practice or spiritual discipline (often including spiritual exercises) is the regular or full-time performance of actions and activities undertaken for the purpose of inducing spiritual experiences and cultivating spiritual development." My interpretation is: doing something regularly that facilitates the experience of being connected to, or communing with, God/Love/Source/Creator/Spirit/add your proper noun of choice here. I highly recommend it, as it can often be a very euphoric and unforgettable experience. Most of us have heard of studies that show how laughter and joy releases endorphins - hormones in the brain that trigger feelings of euphoria and well-being which reduce stress [...]

2019-02-06T14:59:44-05:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Love holds no grievances

Hello Friends, Recently I've been meditating on a lesson from "A Course In Miracles" which states: Love holds no grievances. Many of our ills are due to holding on to past emotional pain and refusing to let it go, which leads to feeling stuck and/or miserable. Forgive yourself and others, and choose to live in peace and joy. There's plenty more I can say but I'll just copy the lesson here so you can read, digest and maybe practice it yourself. It's totally worth a few minutes of your time to read this lesson and possibly receive a revelation about who you really are and then act accordingly ;-) [...]

2019-01-23T12:33:16-05:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments

Just be you and rainbows

Hello Friends, I've noticed how we use colors of the rainbow to identify and classify gender, race, ethnicity, diseases and countless other things. I've also noticed how beautiful a rainbow is, all those colors grouped together in a perfect arc against the sky is always a stunning site to behold. But why the need for so much separating and sorting and assigning specialness? Why not just be who you are, let others do the same and work together for the good of all as there's plenty of room and resources for everyone to thrive? I know this may sound like a simple idea, and [...]

2019-01-16T13:10:23-05:00 Uncategorized|2 Comments

Ditch indecision and live the life you really want

Hello Friends, Let's talk indecision and feeling stuck. If you are not progressing in some area of your life it's because you are not doing anything about it. That's right, I said it, it is your own fault! What are you waiting for to change your mind, make a different choice and start moving in that direction? Oh I see, the fear of the unknown has you paralyzed. Well folks, I hate to burst your bubble but indecision is a decision to do nothing and remain in misery, and it's a dream killer. If we take an honest look at how life really [...]

2019-01-09T14:19:55-05:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments

New Year New You

Hello Friends, Happy New Year! I'm not one for making new year's resolutions, but I do like to review the past year to take stock of what I've accomplished. It helps me to acknowledge how much I've actually done, to be happy about it, and continue moving forward reaching for bigger and better. It helps me to have the courage to face my fears and go for "it" anyway. What is your "it" and what is standing in your way? Are you brave enough to make the decision to do what it takes to go for "it"? Mel's Two Cents: I highly recommend deciding to simply [...]

2019-01-02T15:15:53-05:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments

Trusting your intuition and doubting the doubts

Hello Friends, In this season of "out with the old and in with the new" remember to trust your intuition: that still small voice; that gut feeling; the hunch that won't go away; the 'I don't know why but I have to' feeling; the voice for God/Love/Source/Life/Spirit/The Universe. Trusting your intuition takes practice. We use it all the time but do not pay conscious attention to it. I'm sure you can recall times in your life when you had a hunch: if you followed it - it paid off and if you didn't - you regretted it and scolded yourself. When you [...]

2018-12-19T13:29:36-05:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments

Charity begins at home with yourself

Hello Friends, Many of us are going through some tough things these days and we must remember to put ourselves first! That's right, I said it, you have to look out for number one - it's not being selfish, it's practicing healthy self-care. If you are exhausted, your nerves are fried to a crisp, you are stressed out and experiencing health issues, or your money is tight - what can you really give to anyone else? First get yourself to a healthy place emotionally, physically and financially. Yes folks, fill your own cup to overflowing and then you can fill someone else's cup out of your [...]

2018-12-12T17:22:57-05:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments

From Fear to Faith to Miracles

Hello Friends, I felt moved to speak on miracles again as many of us are experiencing hardships these days, but fear not my precious friends, because miracles do exist and you can initiate them yourselves. As I mentioned before, Marianne Williamson, a spiritual teacher, lecturer and NY Times best-selling author, who speaks about the principles of A Course in Miracles explains that a miracle is a simple shift in perception that can change your life. What is your current perception of your difficulty? Are you approaching the person or situation calmly and gracefully, or are you angry and defensive? Are you allowing fear, [...]

2018-12-05T15:51:55-05:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments
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