Hello Friends,
I’m baaack!!! I am finally starting to feel settled in Las Vegas and ready to get back to work. It took quite a bit of work and a lot of letting go but the move went smoothly and the drive from NJ to NV was beautiful, and long. Now I can check “road trip” off my list. You can see pictures on my Instagram @mels2cents.
This change, this “daring greatly” has stretched me and shown me how strong I really am. Change is not easy and sometimes its not pretty either, but the good news is that we are born with an innate characteristic: resilience.
1: the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress; 2: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
We are born to survive and thrive but we don’t always know this because we are taught to fit in, be quiet and stay small. The truth is that being our authentic selves and trying new things is what will lead to our own personal greatness and fulfillment – whatever that may look like for you. We are literally built to explore, adapt and expand (I’ll spare you the long biology and history lessons here:). Simply push past the discomfort of changing old habits and patterns long enough to establish new ones that increase your peace and joy.
Mel’s Two Cents: I recommend you stretch yourself: try that new thing you’ve been thinking about, take that class, go on that trip, or simply dare to be your authentic self. Show yourself how resilient, and successful, you can be and how free, and joy-filled, you can feel.
Happy adventuring friends!
Until next time.
Contact me for a free introductory consultation at info@melindamaysonet.com today!
Glad you’re back! This was right on time!
Thanks! Glad you’re still with me :)