Hello Friends,
Let’s talk disappointment and resentment. We often experience these due to our expectations of others or their expectations of us. Expectations that most likely the other person is not even aware of. Unbeknownst to the other party, we expect them to behave how we deem appropriate, we expect them to validate us, we expect them to treat us a certain way and often they fall short, they let us down – and vice versa. So what can we do about this?
First, you must communicate your expectations and assert your boundaries at the onset of any relationship. Second and most important, you must love and accept yourself. I recommend practicing self-reliance: love and accept yourself as you are – flaws and all; know that your self worth is not determined by others – you are worthy simply because you exist; validate and celebrate your talents and accomplishments – toot your own horn and pat your own back sometimes; and don’t wallow too long in regret, frustration, anger, depression or any form of misery – acknowledge your feelings, shift your focus and get help if you need it.
Mel’s Two Cents: You are built to persevere through trials and adversity; overcome doubts and conquer fears; and achieve goals and manifest dreams. Remember to always have your own back – love yourself, be kind to yourself, support yourself, encourage yourself, stand up for yourself and celebrate yourself FIRST. In short, JUST BE YOU and be at peace with you and enjoy you, no ifs ands or butts about it!! If you can do this, then the rest of your life will be easier to navigate and the outside world will mirror to you that “all is well” and “everything is always working out for me.”
Until next time.
Mel aka Ms. I Am Fabulous
P.S. here’s a little extra encouragement – a poem from my new book Love Speaks
I Love Myself by Melinda Maysonet
I love myself
I love my big brown eyes
My bright toothy smile
My chubby toes
My not quite magazine model ready body
I deeply and completely love and accept myself
I love life and Life loves me
I love myself for I Am Life itself!
Are you?
I Am!
Contact me for a free introductory consultation at info@melindamaysonet.com today!
Thanks Melinda! The whole blog referred directly to my recent feelings of who I am and how doubts and fears can get the best of me. I’m just going to be me! :)
Thank you LaVerne! I’m sure that the authentic you is pretty fabulous ;-)