Mel's Two Cents Blog

Searching for meaning in life

Hello Friends, What is the meaning of life? We often ask ourselves, searching for an answer that will make everything crystal clear and provide distinct direction. What I have come to know for myself, and sometimes forget due to challenging circumstances and have to rediscover all over again, is that there is no one particular meaning to life. Life is what we choose to make it. Our individual, unique lives are colored by our ideas, beliefs and experiences. That's right, the onus always falls on us. We are the ones who assign meaning to our life by what we think [...]

2019-10-02T18:25:28-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Dare to heal yourself

Hello Friends, A thought came to me during my meditation: if hurt people hurt people then healed people help heal people. So, how do we heal ourselves? It's simple but not always easy: Let IT go! What is IT? IT is anything - idea, belief, person, place, thing, story or situation - that disturbs your peace and does not serve your highest good. Yep, anything that does not increase your peace and joy quotient. Mel's Two Cents: Change your mind about IT. Entertain new ideas, beliefs, habits or people that add to or increase your peace and joy. When you [...]

2019-09-25T17:09:27-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Managing the attack of the BLAHS

Hello Friends, So the WTF?! moment has passed and you've got a handle on circumstances and your strong emotions, and yet... things still don't seem to feel quite right or make sense. You may be asking yourself: what's next? why is nothing happening? nothing seems to be working? is this really my life right now? You may feel like you're in this dark, nebulous limbo land - it's the dreaded BLAHS - UGH! blah 1 or less commonly blah-blah : silly or pretentious chatter or nonsense 2 blahs plural : a feeling of boredom, lethargy, or general dissatisfaction Fret not [...]

2019-09-18T17:52:48-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

First Aid for WTF?! moments

Hello Friends, I thought I'd share a friendly public service announcement: First Aid for WTF?! moments Suspend disbelief: Yes, this really is happening right now. Accept it. Pause and take deep breaths: Stop holding your breath and avoid breathing shallowly as this can lead to hyperventilation or a panic attack. Breathe deeply and allow all the uncomfortable feelings to rise up and pass through you. Step away from whatever is happening if needed to avoid reacting from strong emotions - excuse yourself as politely as you can. Talk to someone you trust who will listen and be compassionate. Write a rant [...]

2019-09-04T15:42:44-04:00 Uncategorized|3 Comments

A friendly reminder: All IS WELL

Hello Friends, The energy recently feels heavy, a tad bit too somber and weary. I've noticed that many of us are releasing old, outdated behaviors, people, places, things and beliefs that no longer serve us. Change can feel chaotic and painful, even if we welcome it and know it's for the best. I'd simply like to offer some encouragement that this too shall pass and remind you to use all the tools in your arsenal to practice extreme self-care during difficult times. Don't forget to doubt the doubts, and use afformations and affirmations: What if I am always blessed and [...]

2019-08-21T13:32:12-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Blossom by trusting yourself

Hello Friends, How do we allow ourselves, and our lives, to blossom when we feel we have no idea what to do to make it better? I was inspired to the answer by one of my favorite songs, The Rose by Bette Midler (see below for lyrics and link), and Brené Brown, research professor and author extraordinaire. blossom 1 a : the flower of a seed plant; b : the state of bearing flowers 2 : a peak period or stage of development I find that we don't take risks to live authentically and follow our bliss because we fear [...]

2019-08-14T14:05:44-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Don’t let disappointment steal your peace and joy

Hello Friends, I find that we often spend too much time wallowing in disappointment, usually because we had strong feelings surrounding the person or situation. disappointed 1 : defeated in expectation or hope; 2 obsolete : not adequately equipped When things don't happen, or people don't behave, the way we want or expect we feel disappointed. Then we stew in that feeling and make up horrible stories about why this happened, we can't stop thinking and talking about it, we get into a funk and become crabby or sad, and this can go on and on for a long time. [...]

2019-08-07T16:26:49-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Using imagination to persevere through adversity

Hello Friends, One way that I've found to persevere in the face of change and uncertainty is to use my imagination. Remember how you'd pay with your friends in an imaginary castle and act out your roles? You'd dress the part and act out the characters and had a blast pretending that it was real. Then when you were a tween or teen you'd talk with your friends all day about your dreams, one day when you'd become a _____ and what you'd do and what would happen and how you'd feel. It felt wonderful and so real, you relished [...]

2019-07-31T17:53:16-04:00 Uncategorized|1 Comment

Practice being the love you wish to experience

Hello Friends, As I was meditating this morning on my favorite chapter of scripture in the bible, I received yet another insight about it and thought I'd share. (1 Corinthians 13) Practicing "love" first begins with loving ourselves because if we are all one, then what I do to myself I do to you, and what I do to you I do to myself. (Yes, I meant to write the sentence this way - just read it a few more times and let it sink in:) If I do not love and accept myself, show myself compassion and forgiveness, be [...]

2019-07-24T16:36:10-04:00 Uncategorized|2 Comments

Practice playing the What If game

Hello Friends, Let's add playing the "What If" game to our affirmations and afformations. Oh, no, no, no, we are not going to practice imagining the worst case scenario as people usually do. Instead, we are practicing imagining the best case scenario. Yes folks, we are flipping the script. What If... I am perfect just as I am? Why am I perfect just as I am? I AM perfect just as I am! What If... Everything is always working out for me? Why is everything always working out for me? Everything IS always working out for me! What If... What [...]

2019-07-17T15:41:33-04:00 Uncategorized|0 Comments
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