Hello Friends,
I don’t have anything really insightful or profound to share today, just a friendly public service announcement: I am fabulous and so are you!
That’s right I said that and I mean it! We are unique individuals with unique talents. These talents do not have to coincide with work or career, although for some it does. It can be a hobby or a helpful habit. It’s that thing you do that people always come to you for advice about, or to fix for them, or because they admire you and want to learn from you. It’s the thing you do because you’re really good at it, genuinely enjoy it and would do it for free – anytime/every time. Stop being modest and own your fabulousness; if you got it – flaunt it!
Mel’s Two Cents: Whatever IT is, do IT as often as you can and definitely share IT with others. If you have IT, then it’s not an accident and you’re meant use it purposefully. Go forth and be fabulous my friends!
Until next time.
Mel a.k.a. Ms. Fabulous
Contact me for a free introductory consultation at info@melindamaysonet.com today!