Keep On Keeping On

Keep On Keeping On

Hello Friends,

We interrupt our regularly scheduled intuition development series to bring you this public service announcement to address the difficult energies swirling around in the atmosphere recently. Lately, it feels as if things are moving at a slow, molasses-like pace filled with fogginess. I’ve been hard at work on various projects and the results are slow in coming and I have to remind myself to keep a positive outlook and maintain my peace and joy, even if I feel like screaming or throwing a tantrum.

So what’s a girl, or a guy, to do? Well, this girl woke up singing and dancing to a classic rap song by the late, great master lyricist Tupac Shakur: Keep Ya Head Up. Even if you don’t enjoy classic rap or didn’t grow up in an inner city neighborhood like me, I’m sure you can appreciate the message and maybe be inspired to add your two cents to help make this world a better place.

Next, I moved on to the grand dame of affirmations, the late, great Ms. Louise Hay. She was a motivational speaker and author, and the founder of Hay House, a New Thought and self-help publishing firm that also runs I definitely recommend you check out her work – it’s phenomenal. When she spoke, she always shared the philosophy she adopted for herself and how it has worked wonders and miracles in her life.

  • I am always safe and divinely protected.
  • Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
  • Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time-space sequence.
  • Life is a joy and filled with love.
  • I love myself exactly as I am.
  • I am loving and loved.
  • I am vibrantly healthy.
  • I prosper wherever I turn.
  • I am willing to change and grow.
  • All is well in my world.

Mel’s Two Cents: When things are slow or don’t seem to be moving – keep on keeping on – trusting that everything is always working out for your highest good, even when it doesn’t feel good. Adopt a daily practice of expressing gratitude and finding joy in the small, everyday things of your life because this is what life mostly consists of. Also, practice maintaining your peace – when you are at peace you can handle anything that comes your way well. And don’t forget to take time throughout the day to do a few minutes of deep breathing – it’s simple and very effective.

Until next time.



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